Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kick in the Face

Tim and I arrived in Uganda Tuesday at around 8:15 pm here or about noon central time in the states. The journey here was quite long and exhausting, but we both got a second wind upon arriving. Along the way over we met a group of 16 recently graduated students from Washington also jouneying to Uganda to do mission work. It was fun to talk to the group and find others with the same passion as Tim and I. We agreed to stay in touch and look forward to hearing how there work goes. Upon arriving we were met by Fr. Aloysius who took us into Kampala. The drive was about 1/2 an hour from the airport. Seeing hundreds of people line the streets, music blarring, and numerous cops with AK-47 on the stree and you have an experience new to Tim and I. As for the first day in Uganda, I'm glad I didn't have any expectations because they would have fell well short. Fr. Aloysius showed us around downtown Kampala which is like any big city you would see in the states except for a couple of HUGE differences. First the number of people in the city is amazing. Enormous amounts of people line the streets making driving difficult. If that weren't enough the driving here is unlike anything I've ever seen. There are no lanes which makes for quite a free-for-all, and add in the hundreds of motorcycle cabs and you have for a huge mess. Multiple times we saw 5-6 car wide jams on two way roads. Add in the fact that they drive on the opposite side of the road we are accustumed to and you have a new adventure. We are enjoying our time so far and will keep in touch. Thanks for the responses and e-mails.


Joanna said...

"We do not have to fear being inadequate. Our God is more than adequate. He will equip us with all we need to serve Him"
-Chip Ricks

Just a quote that I have liked for a long time, also I was telling Adam about your travels and this is what he passed along:
"God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called."

I hope that can be some encouragement to you guys. You're great, miss you!

Chuck and Linda, Michelle's 'rents said...

Chris and Tim, welcome to Uganda! Wow, must be something else. Our prayers have been answered in your safe arrival. So what is a motorcycle cab? Do I just hop on the back of the seat and we take off? The traffic sounds even more bizzare than Rome. blessings......

RShrout said...


i am glad to hear that you have arrived safe, and that you are doing well. i am so proud of both of you. God is with you


Aunt Donna said...

Hi Guys!
I can't believe you're actually there - good job! The traffic sounds horrible. Hopefully, you won't have to do much traveling.
I'm anxious to hear more about your trip and your daily activities. I'll be checking the blog daily.
Take care and be safe!
Love Aunt Donna