Sunday, October 5, 2008


So as yesterday was kind of the calm before the storm, the "storm" has arrived. Tonight our bus leaves at 10:15pm central time. We will arrive in Chicago sometime before 5:00am central time. We are ready. Also another interesting thing that I was made aware of happened yesterday. St. Francis Xavier is the patron saint of missionaries, and more specifically African Missions. So I found out just yesterday that today October 5th, is the feast day of St. Francis Xavier. This just totally floored me, to realize that the day we are leaving just happened to be the feast day of the patron saint of African missions. I really wish I could say that I had planned it that way, but I didn't. God totally set that one up. Keep us in your prayers, and thanks for your support.

In Christ,

1 comment:

Chuck and Linda, Michelle's 'rents said...

"Tim and Chris' excellent adventures" begins! We can't wait to hear all about it. God bless.
Love Chuck and Linda